episode 98

I'm not going to sugar coat it, embarking on a personal growth journey isn't easy, but I promise you it's worth it. I think sometimes we get this idea in our head that personal growth is going to be magical and we're going to instantly feel better, or our life will instantaneously be better. I wanted to share with you some harsh truths about personal growth you might not be aware, not to scare you off but to prepare you, encourage you and let you know that it does get easier, and it is absolutely worth it.

In this episode I discuss:

  • Personal growth is uncomfortable because no one ever grew in the confines of their comfort zone

  • It is scary, most people are afraid of the fear of failure or what people will think, but the only real failure in life is giving up and I promise people are more worried about themselves than you, so just go for it

  • You will not always feel motivated, find ways to keep yourself disciplined until these healthier habits become your new normal

  • It will take longer than you think but it is okay to grow slow

  • You will have to invest time and energy into your personal growth journey, make sure you're prepared to prioritize yourself

  • You will outgrow people and when you do it's okay to let them go

  • No one is coming to save you, personal growth is something you have to do by yourself, for yourself but find support along the way

If you're setting out on a personal growth journey, I hope this episode helps you know you're not alone, encourages you to keep going and makes you feel a little more prepared so you can overcome these obstacles.


episode 99


episode 97