episode 96

The name 'villain era' can sound like it has a negative connotation but just like villains in movies are often understood so is the villain era. If you are ready to start putting yourself first, prioritizing your energy and mindset, ruthlessly edit your life and embrace your power, then this episode is for you.

In this episode I discuss:

  • Setting boundaries to protect your energy, your mental health and your heart and being intentional about who and what you allow into your life

  • Practicing self-care that embodies the energy you want into your life; makes you feel good about yourself and allows you to show up as the best version of you

  • Shifting your mindset from worrying about if people like you and asking yourself if you like them, letting go of everything holding you back and learning to do things scared

Stepping into your villain era isn't about becoming a villain it's about becoming your own hero. I love the quote "I think for a lot of us chronic people pleasers our villain era is just us asserting our boundaries, expressing and clearly communicating our needs and prioritizing ourselves." and that's exactly what it is. It's about knowing what you want, ruthlessly editing anything that doesn't align with that and stepping into your power so you can show up authentically as the best version of you.


episode 97


episode 95