Growth Goals: The 5 Things You Should Do Daily

Your daily habits make up your routines, your routines make up your days, your days make your weeks and then your months and then your years. Essentially your daily habits are part of the fabric of your life and have a huge impact on your health, wealth and happiness. It is so important that your habits align with your values, goals and vision for your life if you ever expect to live the life of your dreams.

If your life doesn’t look the way you want it to then first look at what your daily habits are. I think too often when we’re unhappy with our lives we think we have to make these massive changes and do a complete 180 but in all reality it’s those little daily habits that are going to make the biggest impact in what your day to day lifestyle looks like.

I want to share with you 5 small things you should be doing everyday to show up as the best version of yourself and begin building the life of your dreams one daily habit at a time. I call these growth goals because they focus on your own personal development rather than trying to fix everything in your life, start by turning inward and becoming the best version of you, so that then you can create a life even better than you’ve ever imagined.

Without further ado let's dive into the 5 things you should be doing every day; or as I like to call them Growth Goals

One thing that brings you joy

You are ultimately responsible for your own happiness. While yes sometimes things or other people bring us happiness it is up to us to create our own joy in life and you deserve to feel joy every single day. Take it upon yourself to do one thing every single day for no other reason than that it makes you happy. It doesn’t matter what it is as long as you get some joy from doing it.

It could be something as simple as doing your makeup, if that’s something you enjoy, or dancing to your favorite playlist or making yourself your favorite food. It doesn’t have to be big or cost money or take a lot of effort it just needs to make you happy. Life is too short to not enjoy it and too often we go so long without doing something just for ourselves because we’re so wrapped up in what we HAVE to do that we forget to do what we WANT to do.

One thing for your physical health

You only get one body in this life so it’s important that you take care of it. Now I’m not saying that you have to be in the gym 7 days a week or be a certain size, health looks different on everyone, but it is important to prioritize your own health and well being. I want you to be around for a long time and be able to enjoy the life you’ve built for yourself so please treat yourself well. By all means, eat cake but don’t forget to drink your water too.

Once again I want to reiterate that miniscule changes can make a huge difference. Maybe the one thing you do for your health is as easy as taking your vitamins in the morning or drinking plenty of water or stretching for 20 minutes. Or maybe you do hit it hard in the gym that day, it doesn’t matter but if you make it a habit to take care of your body on a daily basis you’ll be amazing at the difference it makes in your mood, energy, clarity and every other aspect of your life.

One thing for your mental health

I cannot stress enough how important your mental health is. In a time where anxiety and depression and overwhelm are at all time highs taking care of yourself mentally has never been as essential as it is now. My mental health is something I neglected for a long time and it affected my sleep, my eating habits, my job, my relationships, everything. If you’ve been feeling off lately it can often stem from your mental health so please check in and be honest with yourself about how you’re doing.

Seeing a therapist has truly changed my life and I cannot recommend it enough; however, if that isn’t feasible for you right now try just starting with journaling how you feel, sometimes just getting it out of your head can make a big difference. Try a gratitude practice to help with anxiety or decluttering your home to help with your stress. Train that still small voice in your head to be kinder and supportive instead of tearing you down. Mental health matters and it starts with tiny daily habits to make sure you get along with that voice in your head.

One thing for your spirit

Make time every single day to spend time with God, or the universe or source or whatever it is you believe in. I personally am a Christian, but faith isn’t just something you have it’s something you practice. It’s a relationship with God that requires work and nurturing just like any other relationship. I promise when you start making time for God every day and He becomes an integral part of your everyday life He’s going to show up for you in big ways.

Inviting God into your life can be as simple as listening to worship music in the car or doing a daily devotional in just 10 minutes a day. Send up a prayer first thing when you wake up or as you’re going to bed. If you believe differently maybe try meditation or a grounding exercise. I’m not here to tell you what to believe just to encourage you to practice whatever it is you do believe.

One small step towards your goal

The last thing that’s important for you to do every single day is to move the needle towards whatever goal you’re currently working towards. Again, it doesn’t take massive leaps and bounds for you to achieve great things, it starts with teeny tiny steps every single day and before you know it you’ll look and realize you’ve come so far.

If you want to write a book, challenge yourself to write just 500 words a day. If you want to quit smoking try and go until lunch without a cigarette instead of having one first thing in the morning. If you want to start a business challenge yourself to post something to Instagram. It doesn’t matter how small it is, progress is progress and you’re lapping everyone who’s just daydreaming about their goals instead of putting in the work. You can do this, one step at a time.

I hope you found these ideas helpful and you start implementing them today. I promise you’re going to be amazed at the difference they make in your life and just how big an impact these small daily habits can make towards propelling you towards the life you’ve always dreamed of.

xoxo, Ashleigh Nicolle

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