The 5 Types Of Goals

This is the complete goal setting system I have used to completely change my life. In 2018, I hit rock bottom and I decided then and there I was going to create a beautiful life so I am sharing with you the exact framework I used to help me get my dream job, start a business, leave a toxic relationship, heal past relationships, overcome anxiety, quit an addiction and so much more!

Big Goals: 

If you had unlimited time, money, energy, resources, and support; what would you do with it? Don't be afraid to dream really big. Your big goal should scare you a little, so don't hold yourself back.

I want you to close your eyes and imagine what you want your life to look like. Focus on the details, what time do you wake up in the morning? Do you have the luxury of sleeping in or do you get up at 5 am and get your workout in. 

How do you spend your day? Are you with your kids, building a business from home or killing it in the corporate world? How do you spend your free time, your evenings and weekends? What does your home look like, where is it located, who do you share it with? What do you eat, where do you go, how do you feel?

I want you to experience your version of a perfect life in your mind, feel it, get crystal clear on what it is you truly want.

Let go of any thoughts or feelings that might be holding you back. Forget about what others think, what society says, the timeline your parents have in mind and your own doubts and just give yourself permission to dream.

Smart Goals:

S.M.A.R.T. stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time based. In other words, it's the next logical step you need to take towards your goal or the next milestone you are trying to reach in your pursuit of your big goal.

Now that you have your big picture vision for how you want your life to look it's time to come up with a plan on how to get there. Setting S.M.A.R.T. goals is an excellent way to map out the milestones to reach your goal.

It's a simple process really, you simply take your broad vision and then break it into specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based tasks.

For example, let's say your goal is to lose weight. That's pretty broad, I mean you could lose half a pound and say you achieved that goal, that's why we need S.M.A.R.T. goals.

An example of one would be I am going to lose 50 pounds in the next 6 months, by going to the gym three days a week. 50 pounds is specific and makes it measurable, three days a week is attainable, going to the gym is relevant to weight loss and 6 months makes it time based.

Push Goals:

There are 4 common reasons as to why people don’t achieve their goals.

  • Time

  • Money

  • Energy

  • Knowledge

If you don’t think that you can achieve your goals because you don’t have time your push goal is going to be figuring out how you can make time. For example, your push goal could be waking up an hour early to work on writing your book.

If you don’t have the money to invest in yourself your push goal could be creating a budget to avoid those splurges at Target or cooking at home more to save money on eating out.

If you don’t have enough energy to start a side hustle after working your 9-5 your push goal could be ensuring you fuel your body with healthy foods, so you don’t feel sluggish or exercising for 30 minutes after work to release endorphins that energize you.

If you feel you can’t go after your goal because you simply don’t know how to do it your push goal could be investing in an online course to learn a new skill, going back to school for further education or even outsourcing that task so you don’t have to worry about it.

In your pursuit of your biggest dreams there will be obstacles, perhaps you need push goals to help you get more time, money, energy and knowledge, that’s okay. Or perhaps maybe YOU are your own biggest obstacle; your push goal could be to overcome your limiting beliefs and self-doubt. Whatever is holding you back, just know that you can overcome it.

Need Goals:

Girlfriend, if you want to achieve your biggest goals and create the life you have always dreamed of you have got to take care of yourself. You can't perform at your best when you don't feel your best.

Wanna conquer the world? Then you need to make sure you're getting enough sleep, fueling your body with good food, exercising your body and mind, and prioritizing rest.

If you're constantly pulling all-nighters, skipping meals only to binge later, sitting at your desk all day, and working non-stop without a break; I promise you will burn out fast.

It is crucial that you take care of your well-being, your body, your mental health and your emotional health. This looks a little different for everyone and that's okay. Maybe for you, need goals are simply getting enough sleep or perhaps you need even more, like seeing a therapist or talking to your doctor about your health.

This could also look like creating morning and evening routines that incorporate self-care or mindset practices. I also highly recommend trying out Growth Goals which are 5 daily practices to help you implement self-love, self-care and self-improvement into your everyday life.

I know you want what's best for your future, but in order to be the best version of yourself that's living the best version of your life; you have to do what's best for your body, mind and soul.

Now Goals:

Do you often feel like you're not even making a dent in your goals? Like you're constantly working but nothing is actually getting done because you never see any progress towards your dreams?

It's probably because you're spending your time doing the wrong things. Which makes you feel like you've been going non-stop with nothing to show for it. It's important to use your time with intention, even if it's just a few minutes here and there, they add up.

Think about how you spend your time, and I mean actually spend your time. Are you using it wisely or are you procrastinating when you could be progressing?

If you find yourself mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, binging an entire season on Netflix or engrossed in Tik Tok, ask yourself, is this the best use of my time?

Don't get me wrong there's a time for all of those things but are you taking a break or avoiding a task? The purpose of now goals is to help you utilize those little moments throughout the day to start making real progress towards your biggest goals.

If you’d like a complete guide on exactly how to set each type or goals then download my FREE Goal Setting Guide, it walks you through each type of goal and even has exercises for each to help you get crystal clear on your goals and develop a plan to actually achieve them while also implementing self-love, self-care and self-improvement into your life because you deserve to achieve your biggest goals without sacrificing your health and happiness.


Growth Goals: The 5 Things You Should Do Daily