episode 24

This week I turned 24 years old and as I reflect on my life I am so proud of how far I've come. I overcame an addiction, battled anxiety and depression, left a toxic workplace and relationship, deepened my connections with friends and family and started a business.

I still have so much growing to do but I wanted to share with you some of the valuable lessons I learned that have gotten me this far that I think will help you along your own personal growth journey.

In my first episode as a 24 year old (which also happens to be episode 24, how cool is that) I share 12 tips about everything from mindset to money to motivation and so much more.

If you haven’t already make sure you go listen to last weeks episode for the first part of this twelve part mini series. I am so incredibly thankful and blessed for everything I’ve gone through and achieved over these last 24 years and I’m so excited to share this moment with you.

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episode 25


episode 23